• +880-1718-630092
  • Opening: 09:00am - 09:00pm

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Our Location16 KA Nayatola,Madhubag,Maghbazar

Students Skill Development Courses


KidsKids Computing

Your child's brain is developing at lightning speed! Every minute of every day,if you want to know How does our kids computing work for kids?

Offline 3 Months

KidsProgramming For Kids

If you want your children to have good mental health, you need to start now. Their brains, much like yours, are constantly changing and becoming stronger.

Offline 3 Months

KidsRobotics For Kids

Robotics for kids allows children to learn the concepts in a hands-on environment.They learn how to program, design, and make their own robo kits

Offline 2 Months

KidsSchool Computer Programming

You need to know what programming language you want to use. If the language you choose is not familiar to you, then you have to learn about the basics of the chosen language first

Offline 2 Months

KidsAnimation & Motion Graphics

A common misconception about animation is that it's only used for children's entertainment. However, animation is actually an incredibly powerful tool for communicating information.

Offline 2 Months

student Math For School Students

Mathematics provides an effective way of building mental discipline and encourages logical reasoning and mental rigor....

Online/Offline 3-4 Months